We have a Place Just for You!
Building the Body of Christ by serving together.
1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (KJV)
Ministries for the church
Deacon Ministry
The purpose of the Deacons’ Ministry is to serve the Lord and His Church by assisting the Pastor in meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the Church. Deacons are appointed and ordained by the Pastor. They assist by caring for the poor, the sick, the preparation and administration of the Ordinances; service of the Communion and Baptism; and in ministering to the spiritual interests of families in the Church and community.
Deaconess Ministry
Faithful, Christ loving, God fearing women who are called to serve in Ministry for the “Building up of the body of Christ.”
Christian Education Ministry
The Christian Education Ministry is an empowered Body of Believers who is called to “Change a Generation through Christian Education”. We support the corporate mission of Changing by being a Word-Centered ministry. By offering opportunities to learn, grow and empower others, we seek to provide an educational environment that will stir up a desire to seek after God in a more excellent way.
Our practical approach allows for growth in mind, body, and spirit. This is accomplished through Discipleship Classes, Empowerment Classes, Conferences and Workshops. We invite you to connect with us.

Crowns of Glory Seasoned Saints
Our purpose is to inspire as well as to impact the lives of our seniors (ages 55 and older) as we come together on one accord in love, unity, and harmony with one another in fellowship.
This ministry endeavors to empower, to encourage, and to enrich the lives of each senior that is a part of this unique ministry through the word of truth so that we may continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. We also support the visionary of this house and his vision as we endeavor to be effective ladder holders upholding the vision with a spirit of excellence. Motto “Building relationships through the bonds of fellowship”
Mighty Men of Valor
We are positioned as true “Ladder Holders” for the Kingdom of God according to Romans 8:14: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
We are the SONS of God!
We believe that it is our duty to endeavor to be Men of Faith, Men of Prayer, Men of Character, and Men of Integrity because we help hold up the banner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
As A Woman Ministry
Our mission is to touch and empower the lives of women by the transforming power of Jesus Christ. Building wholeness and balance, both spiritually and mentally, through consistent prayer and study of God’s Word. Providing an atmosphere for women to develop their gifts, abilities, and lasting relationships. We are doing some exciting things and you are invited to be a part of this Awesome Women’s Movement! This will be a Refreshing, Healing, Inspiring, Encouraging, Welcoming and Exciting Experience.
Ushers and Greeters
The Ushers and Greeters Ministry provides a welcoming atmosphere and seating for visitors to our services and events at Ignite Church. To make all members and visitors feel welcomed, valued, and special when they enter Ignite Church. To enhance worshipers’ experience by extending hospitality and attending to their needs as they arise.
Kingdom Kids Ministry
Ignite Church values every child that enters its doors and every child within the community. The church is focused on “Rebuilding a Generation” and that focus starts with our children.
Youth learn God’s truth and how it applies to their daily lives; the Children’s Ministry goals are to influence children positively to make wise choices and actions with God in mind. Our youth leaders utilize creative techniques which allow children to understand and to apply sound Biblical teachings at home, at church, at school, and at play. The Children’s Ministry gives students the opportunity to take their faith to the “next level”.
Youth & Teen Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to grow youth in their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ. By using sound biblical teaching principles and discipleship, the ministry seeks to Excite, Inspire, and Ignite young people for Jesus Christ.
Ministry of Divine Arts and Worship
We, the Ministry of Divine Arts and Worship, are on the move for God! We seek to capture the heart of God through the various facets of this ministry, striking a great balance between music, dramatization, and divine arts. The celebration of worship is demonstrated through our music ministry which consist of choirs, praise singers and dancers.
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
The Marriage Ministry exists to strengthen marriages and equip couples to build their lives and families on a Godly foundation. We believe that marriages thrive as couples place Jesus Christ in the center of their relationships. The Marriage Ministry hosts regular events to encourage married couples to fellowship with other couples. We also provide Christ-centered instruction on building a strong marriage and healthy relationship with your spouse and others. Classes are available and designed to help you strengthen your marriage and help you connect with other married couples. This ministry provides a time to talk, learn and grow through connecting with other couples. Yearly Marriage Retreat, Book Studies, Date Nights and much more.

S.W.A.G. (Singles Worshipping Almighty God)
As singles, we present our bodies as living sacrifices to the Lord. Our mission is to reach the total man, by evangelizing to the lost as well as edifying other believers, through our lifestyle of worship and praise before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
New Members Connect Ministry
Welcome! The Ignite Church New Members Ministry is designed to ensure that all New Members make a smooth and comfortable transition into their new Church family. We specialize in making sure that every possible resource is available to our New Members as they pursue their Divine Destiny!
Community Outreach & Evangelism Ministry
We practice and believe in Servant Evangelism & Outreach. “Demonstrating the Love of Christ.” Our Outreach Ministry vision is, to equip the local body of believers with the necessary tools to win souls to Christ. This will be accomplished through teaching God’s Word, fulfilling the Great Commission by going out into the dying world, and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ within our community.
Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV), “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe everything I have commanded. And surely, I will be with you until the end of the age.”
Proverbs 11:30 (NIV), “He who wins souls is wise.”
Your Next Step
Once you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you now can begin a journey that will be life changing! You have been called to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. Next Step is designed to Minister, Motivate, and Mentor our members into Mature disciples for Christ, and Maximize the gifts God has equipped us with.A disciple begins by learning how to become more like Jesus. In doing so, you will learn Jesus’ words (the Bible), learn Jesus’ way of ministry, begin to imitate Jesus’ life and character, and become equipped to teach others how to follow Jesus. This is a life enriching adventure that will transform your mind, character, relationships, service, and influence.

Take the 6-Week Challenge
It is hard to judge a church by attending only one weekend service, so we’ve got a challenge for you. Come each week for 6 weeks and if you don’t see marked improvements in your daily and spiritual life, perhaps we’re not the church for you; but if you do see a change, then keep on coming because that’s just the beginning of all God has for you!